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Saturday, April 4, 2009


Before making use of the remedies given below, make sure to consult your physician and only after confirmation, administer the remedies.


Pain in the stomach
Feeling of discomfort in the upper part of abdomen
Feeling of fullness in the upper part of abdomen
Loss of appetite
Feeling unwell
Flatulence (gas passed from rectum)
Burping or belching

  1. If there is uneasiness, then, Nux Vomica 6 or 30- two globules after every 15 minutes for couple of hours. After that, the frequency will be once every 4 hours.
  2. If it is due to heavy food, then, Pulsatilla 6- one globule every hour for 3 to 4 hours. After that, the frequency will be: two globules 3 times a day.

Note: When the problem is 60% to 70% under control, stop taking the homoeopathic medicines.

Also refer for home tips (for other day-to-day concerns):

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