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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Back Ache

Before making use of the remedies given below, make sure to consult your physician and only after confirmation, administer the remedies.


Pain in the back.


  • If due to exertion, then take Arnica 6 or 30- two globules 3 times a day.
    Can apply Arnica ointment locally.
  • If due to rheumatism, if pain becomes more due to movement, then take Bryonia 6 or 30- two globules 3 times a day.
  • If due to rheumatism, if the pain reduces after the movement, then take Rhus Tox 6 or 30- two globules 3 times a day.
  • If the back bone gets hurt and muscles are injured, then take Arnica 6 or 30, Ruta 30, Rhus Tox 6 or 30, Hypericum 6 or 30- take two globules of each 3 times a day.
  • If the lower back side is aching, check for kidney problem.

Note: When the problem is 60% to 70% under control, stop taking the homoeopathic medicines.

Also refer for home tips (for other day-to-day concerns):

For other health related topics refer: (Anger Management), (Children’s Behavior Problems), (Exercises), (Quit Smoking), (Stress Management), (Walking), (Cholesterol Control), (Swine Flu and Its Prevention)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Loss of Appetite

Before making use of the remedies given below, make sure to consult your physician and only after confirmation, administer the remedies.


Lack of feeling of hunger (can also be due to worms in the stomach).

  • General tips (only for prevention): After every 6 months, entire family members should take deworming medicines.
  • For tape worms, Natrum Sulph 3x or Magnesium Phos 12x- 3 tablets every 2 hours.
  • For thread worms, Natrum Phos 3x- three tablets every 2 hours. And also, Calcarea Carb 6- two globules 3 times a day.
  • In case of stomach ache or itching of anus, Cina 200- two globules 3 times a day.
  • If suffering from sour and bitter burp and right side of stomach is aching or nausea, then Nux Vomica 3- two globules 3 times a day.
  • If thirst is more and mouth is dry with bitter taste, then Bryonia 3- two globules 3 times a day.
  • If loss of appetite due to heavy food, then Pulsatilla 6- two globules 3 times a day.
  • Eat small slices of ginger with lemon juice and salt before taking meals.

Note: When the problem is 60% to 70% under control, stop taking the homoeopathic medicines.

Also refer for home tips (for other day-to-day concerns):

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Before making use of the remedies given below, make sure to consult your physician and only after confirmation, administer the remedies.


Appearance of

Pustules (a small round raised area of inflamed skin filled with pus)

on face and up to neck.


  • General tips (only for prevention): Wash face 4 to 5 times a day with mild face wash and water. Steam the face and neck and scrub once a week. After taking steam, use face pack (15 minutes) and after washing the face pack, use ice cold water or ice cubes (in handkerchief) to close the pores of the face. If you have acne or pimples, do not touch it (this is a preventive procedure).
  • If the face is dull and tongue is white or yellow, then take Pulsatilla 3 or 6- two globules 4 times a day.
  • If the face is dry and red and tongue is red, then take Belladona 6- two globules 4 times a day.
  • If the person is obese or listless and tongue is white, then take Antimony Crude- two globules 3 times a day.
  • If pustules are filled with pus, then take Calcarea Sulphurica 6 or 12- two globules 3 times a day.
  • When dry, rough skin with pimples, then take Berberis Aquifolium (tincture)- 4 to 5 drops of tincture in a table spoon of water 3 times a day.
  • Eat leafy vegetables and fruits and drink minimum 8 glasses of water during the day. Do not eat fried food and keep the digestive system clean.

Note: When the problem is 60% to 70% under control, stop taking the homoeopathic medicines.

Also refer for home tips (for other day-to-day concerns):

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Before making use of the remedies given below, make sure to consult your physician and only after confirmation, administer the remedies.


Can be accompanied with indigestion
Gas formation
Sourness in throat

  • Nux Vomica 30- two globules every 2 hours.
  • If due to heavy food intake, then, Pulsatilla 30- two globules every 2 hours.
  • Sip half a cup of cold milk (without sugar) every couple of hours.

Note: When the problem is 60% to 70% under control, stop taking the homoeopathic medicines.

Also refer for home tips (for other day-to-day concerns):

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Before making use of the remedies given below, make sure to consult your physician and only after confirmation, administer the remedies.


Pain in the stomach
Feeling of discomfort in the upper part of abdomen
Feeling of fullness in the upper part of abdomen
Loss of appetite
Feeling unwell
Flatulence (gas passed from rectum)
Burping or belching

  1. If there is uneasiness, then, Nux Vomica 6 or 30- two globules after every 15 minutes for couple of hours. After that, the frequency will be once every 4 hours.
  2. If it is due to heavy food, then, Pulsatilla 6- one globule every hour for 3 to 4 hours. After that, the frequency will be: two globules 3 times a day.

Note: When the problem is 60% to 70% under control, stop taking the homoeopathic medicines.

Also refer for home tips (for other day-to-day concerns):