Before making use of the remedies given below, make sure to consult your physician and only after confirmation, administer the remedies.
Pain in the back.
- If due to exertion, then take Arnica 6 or 30- two globules 3 times a day.
Can apply Arnica ointment locally. - If due to rheumatism, if pain becomes more due to movement, then take Bryonia 6 or 30- two globules 3 times a day.
- If due to rheumatism, if the pain reduces after the movement, then take Rhus Tox 6 or 30- two globules 3 times a day.
- If the back bone gets hurt and muscles are injured, then take Arnica 6 or 30, Ruta 30, Rhus Tox 6 or 30, Hypericum 6 or 30- take two globules of each 3 times a day.
- If the lower back side is aching, check for kidney problem.
Note: When the problem is 60% to 70% under control, stop taking the homoeopathic medicines.
Also refer for home tips (for other day-to-day concerns):
For other health related topics refer: (Anger Management), (Children’s Behavior Problems), (Exercises), (Quit Smoking), (Stress Management), (Walking), (Cholesterol Control), (Swine Flu and Its Prevention)
If due to exertion, then take Arnica 6 or 30- two globules 3 times a day.
ReplyDeleteCan apply Arnica ointment locally. If due to rheumatism, if pain becomes more due to movement, then take Bryonia 6 or 30- two globules 3 times a day. Is this applicable for all age groups?
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